Statement from MCPP on Mississippi's Obamacare Exchange

By Aaron Rice
January 4, 2013

We appreciate Governor Bryant's willingness to take a stand on this issue. The promise of state control over an Obamacare health insurance exchange is an illusion. Federal officials have the power to dictate the operation of an Obamacare exchange, and we have no doubt they will do so over time.

An Obamacare exchange will invite more federal intrusion into our health insurance system. Even if the federal government did set up an exchange, it is doubtful they will have the legal authority to impose job-killing fines on Mississippi employers. These fines are explicitly authorized in states that choose to set up Obamacare exchanges.

Obamacare exchanges come with many strings attached, including subsidies that would add to our ballooning federal debt. Ending our pursuit of the exchange will spare Mississippi from job losses, expensive administrative costs, and more intrusion by the federal government.

There are better ways to help the people who are uninsured, and we look forward to working with our public officials on solutions that allow people's real needs to be met.


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