Help us defeat the “woke” mind virus!

By Douglas Carswell
September 23, 2024

What’s the biggest challenge America faces? 

You might think it is $35 trillion of national debt?  Or maybe you imagine its uncontrolled immigration?  How about inflation, which is still stubbornly high? These are all really important problems, but they are not impossible to solve. If there is the political will, we could cut government spending dramatically to close the deficit. Who says we need to have all those federal agencies and welfare programs?

Immigration laws could actually be enforced if the federal government put its mind to it.  What do you think Japan does to illegal migrants who outstay their welcome? Inflation can be tamed.  Ronald Reagan showed this was possible back in the early 1980s.

What America cannot do is fix these problems if young Americans grow up thinking the worst about their country.

Over the past generation, the radical left has slowly marched through America’s institutions.  They have captured many colleges and classrooms, promoting an extreme intersectional ideology. Young Americans have been taught that their country is always in the wrong.  Instead of celebrating this country’s history, they have been invited to judge everyone and everything that happened by the standards of today. This has demoralized America, and is sapping the country’s confidence.

That is why the Mississippi Center for Public Policy, as part of a national movement to push back against the ‘woke’ tide, runs the Mississippi Leadership Academy. This two-part course aimed at high school students is the perfect antidote to ‘woke’ with courses on: 

•               The moral case for the free market. 

•               Ethical Leadership.

•               Opportunity and our state. 

•               How the legislative process works.

•               American Exceptionalism.

•               The Meaning of the Declaration of Independence. 

Previous speakers have included Attorney General, Lynn Fitch, State Auditor, Shad White and leading academics.  Our Academy is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to be effective change agents in our state. Those that take part have the opportunity to meet state leaders, and in previous years, a number of those that graduated went on the intern with state leaders.

Do you have children or grandchildren that would benefit from taking part?  Please forward this email to them with details on how to sign up below! The two-part course will take place at our Jackson offices on Saturday October 12th and Saturday November 9th, between 10am and 3pm.

Hurry to apply now before places fill up! 


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