Bryant ending with high marks from voters

By Aaron Rice
October 29, 2019

Gov. Phil Bryant is ending the last two months of his time in the governor’s mansion with approval ratings that are among the highest in the country. 

According to Morning Consult’s gubernatorial approval rankings from the third quarter of 2019, Bryant has a 55 percent approval rating compared to just 26 percent of voters who disapprove, a positive spread of 29 points. 

The 55-26 rating is good for 14th highest overall. The main difference is the majority of the governor’s ahead of Bryant have been in office for one full term or less. Bryant, of course, is wrapping up his eighth and final year. 

In his two elections, Bryant set modern day high marks for Republican gubernatorial candidates. He won 61 percent of the vote against then-Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny DuPree in 2011, while winning 66 percent in 2015 against Robert Gray, a truck driver who was the surprise Democrat nominee four years ago. 

About the survey

On a daily basis, Morning Consult surveys over 5,000 registered voters across the United States. Morning Consult conducted 533,985 surveys with registered U.S. voters from July 1 through September 30, 2019, to determine the Q3 2019 Governor Rankings.

The margins of error vary by state and party. You can see the margin of error for each governor here.

In each poll, Americans indicated whether they approve or disapprove of the job performance of their governor. For each question, they could answer strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, strongly disapprove, or don’t know / no opinion.

Morning Consult obtained population parameters for registered voters from the November 2012 Current Population Survey. 


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