HB 951: Food freedom in Mississippi

By Mississippi Center for Public Policy
February 18, 2020

House Bill 951, sponsored by Rep. Dan Eubanks, would expand food freedom in Mississippi and allow for the sale of raw cow milk in the state.

Mississippi currently allows the limited sale of raw goat milk, and that is under fire, while raw cow milk is prohibited. This would expand the sale of raw milk, and also allow for the sale of the milk at farmers’ markets, not just on the farm as the current law states.

The bill would also allow for intrastate sales of agricultural products directly from the producer to consumers and would prevent local governments from restricting those sales.

Mississippi currently has a limited cottage food law, that restricts what you can sell, how you can advertise, and how much you can make. Every state in the country, save for New Jersey, has such a law. Food freedom laws – which  are on the books in Wyoming, North Dakota, and Maine – are essentially beefed up cottage food laws that allow for greater access to food for consumers and a new market for entrepreneurs.

MCPP has reviewed this legislation and finds that it is aligned with our principles and therefore should be supported. 

Read HB 951.

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