We Need Your Support

By Aaron Rice
December 19, 2007

If you've heard many of these commentaries, you know where our organization stands on issues and principles. But there are some things you might not be aware of.

The Mississippi Center for Public Policy is an independent, non-profit organization. Our mission is to advance the ideals of limited government, free markets, and strong traditional families. We do this by educating policy-makers, informing the media, and equipping you, the public, with information and perspective to help you defend your liberty.

When we lobby the legislature, we do so on principles. We don't have any business clients we are paid to represent. We don't accept any government funds for our activities, because, unlike other groups and state agencies who lobby the legislature, we don't believe you should be forced to pay for our work through your taxes. We are funded entirely by voluntary, tax-deductible contributions from people like you who agree with the principles we stand for: limited government, free enterprise, and strong traditional families.

If you believe in those ideals, will you join us? Donate securely at mspolicy.org, or call us at 601-969-1300.

make a contribution online click



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