Bonnie Sisk: Hearing Solutions LLC

By Mississippi Center for Public Policy
May 14, 2020

"I am a hearing aid specialist and my company, I fear, is one to be 'left out' of relief funds! 

"I'm a sole proprietor, schedule C filer, no employees, take draws when I can. I filed for Economic Injury Disaster Loan assistance on April 6, confirmed and issued a number expecting funds to my account within three days as stated in the offer, made three worthless information phone calls, and finally received an email from the Small Business Administration that they are processing my request May 6.

"My company is a hearing aid sales, fitting, testing and service company so naturally we've had no face to face customers in two months. No income either, living on receivables and paying absolute must bills with no hope of reducing my payables. So now I'm receiving 90 day notices.

"Normally, February through May are my largest sales months. May is National Better Hearing Month. However, sales normally average over half my gross for entire year with the coming months of June through August being the worst.

"So how can any of this help me? I am all in with what I can contribute to my own business and have no income to make a draw. My personal finances have been tapped dry over the last five years since I started and I can not borrow anymore."

Bonnie Sisk
Hearing Solutions LLC
Hernando, Mississippi


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