Freedom Agenda Hopes to Break Down Barriers

By Mississippi Center for Public Policy
January 4, 2022

We recently announced the MCPP Freedom Agenda, which will become a yearly strategy to lay out our goals for each Legislative Session. The 2022 Freedom Agenda covers five policy areas we deem necessary for reform: Critical Race Theory, economic liberty, education, healthcare, and technology and innovation.

For Critical Race Theory, we are supporting legislation that will combat this divisive ideology by ensuring no public funds supports its teaching, as well as legislation that will provide academic transparency. As parents, families, guardians, and taxpayers, we deserve to know what is being taught to our children and what educational materials our funds are being used for.

For economic liberty, we are, of course, supporting the abolition of Mississippi's income tax, which will help boost our economy by allowing workers to keep more of what they've earned and making the state more business-friendly. We also hope to see the cutting of more regulatory "red tape" – Mississippi is burdened by far too many boards, commissions, and states agencies that are constantly pushing new regulations onto the people. Big businesses can navigate this minefield of market obstacles, but small businesses and entrepreneurs are often stifled.

For education, we support legislation that would allow open enrollment to all public schools (giving the ultimate school choice) and establish more charter school authorizers to streamline and encourage the expansion of education freedom. We also hope to see the capping of "fat cat" salaries, as we need the funds to go into the classrooms to better our students, not into administrative pockets. We are also pushing legislation that will even more so protect free speech on campuses, ensuring that peaceful assembly, protests, lectures, petitions, and literature distribution will be allowed.

For healthcare, we are supporting the full repeal of the socialist-like Certificate-of-Need laws that plague the industry in the state. These laws basically mean that no new health care provider can come along and offer services without the express permission of competitors. This makes as much sense as allowing a Pizza Hut to block the building of a Papa John’s because of the potential for competition. We aim to get rid of this incredibly outdated policy.; In companion with this, with more folks seeking to get medical care from the comfort of their own homes, we support legislation that would make it easier to offer medical access directly. Our home health moratorium currently makes this almost impossible.

For technology and innovation, we support legislation that would reduce the regulatory obstacles in front of agricultural innovation to encourage growth in an area that our state relies so much on. The same goes for the obstacles in front of telemedicine/telepharmacy.

The Mississippi Center for Public Policy believes providing these reforms would lift up our state, safeguard liberty, and promote limited government. Ultimately, we also believe they would make Mississippi more prosperous and a happier place to live, work, and raise a family.


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