HB 1408: New transparency for civil asset forfeiture database

By Mississippi Center for Public Policy
February 25, 2020

House Bill 1408, sponsored by Rep. Chris Brown, will add numerous layers of transparency to the state’s civil asset forfeiture database.

On the state’s civil asset forfeiture database, law enforcement is required to provide the name of the agency that sized the property, a description of the seized item, and a copy of the notice of intent or petition for forfeiture. 

This bill would require law enforcement to now provide: The date of the seizure, the place of the seizure, alleged criminal offense, crime for which the suspect is being charged, outcome of the criminal case, method of final forfeiture, value of property forfeited, circumstances of the search and seizure, type of controlled substance, the cost to the agency for this forfeiture case, and what the law enforcement agency used the property for if it was retained.

This would provide more information to the public on what is being forfeited by the state, and the details around the forfeiture. 

MCPP has reviewed this legislation and finds that it is aligned with our principles and therefore should be supported. 

Read HB 1408.  

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