You have a chance to help us move Mississippi closer to School Choice.
Right now, a critical bill — HB1435 — is hanging in the balance. This legislation, which has already passed the House, would give parents the power to choose the best public school for their kids, no matter their zip code (provided there was capacity).
But here’s the urgency: it’s stuck in the Senate Education Committee, and unless they vote to approve it by Tuesday, this opportunity will slip away. Please help us to make sure that does not happen!
Mississippi stands at a crossroads. All around us—Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana—parents already enjoy the freedom of School Choice. HB1435 is a vital next step: public-to-public school choice.
Just last week, President Trump himself called on states like ours to rise up and pass laws like this. He’s counting on us. Our kids are counting on us. And I’m counting on YOU.
Here’s what I need you to do before Tuesday:
2. Send them a short email. Tell them: “I’m a Mississippi voter, and I expect you to APPROVE HB1435!”
3. Share this mission with a friend—let’s build a wave of voices they can’t ignore.
If we all act, our lawmakers will have to listen!
You’re not just sending an email—you’re lighting a spark for change!
Thank you for standing with me in this fight. Start your week knowing you've made a difference—if you haven't taken action yet, now is the perfect time!