Nathan McCartney

By Mississippi Center for Public Policy
April 23, 2020

“I have short-term and long-term rental properties in Oxford. 

“At this point I have only seen my Airbnb take a hit, but I'm pretty worried about the rumors for football to not come back or even a possible cancelling of the fall semester. I can handle the loss in Airbnb revenue, though that's about $6,000 this summer alone. I can't handle the loss of the five other homes and that rental roll being taken away. 

“I also have an ownership interest in a company that's a Grove vendor. We set up TVs and satellite dishes for other tent vendors across the Grove. Bookings are pretty dead right now as everyone waits to see what is going to happen. 

“I don't know of any business that plans on 3-6 months of zero revenue. I understand having cash reserves and trying to be prepared for contingencies in business, but no business owner plans for losses of revenue ranging from 50-95 percent for months. 

“I'm just ready to see the economy turned back on and the government to get out of the way.”

Nathan McCartney
Real estate investor
Oxford, Mississippi


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