Quickest & Easiest Answers Usually are Weakest and Most Ineffective

By Aaron Rice
November 14, 2005

As the Governor�s Commission prepares its recommendations for rebuilding south Mississippi, the quickest and easiest approach would be to come up with a laundry list of programs and projects the government could create or expand to meet all the needs in the region. After all, it�s easier for people to grasp that concept than it is to comprehend how the private sector could piece together a cohesive economy.

And yet, it�s that wonderful mystery of private sector initiative that has made our country the greatest economic engine the world has ever known!

While the government-designed approach might be easier and quicker to explain, most business planners will tell you that the quickest and easiest answers are usually the weakest and most ineffective.

The real solutions come with digging deeper into the problems and doing the hard work of thinking through the long-term effects of the policy options that are being contemplated.

To help in that process, our organization has created a website where we promote big ideas, not big government. Go to rebuildingmississippi.org.


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