SB 2531/ HB 981: Wine in grocery stores

By Mississippi Center for Public Policy
February 19, 2020

Senate Bill 2531, sponsored by Sen. Walter Michel, and House Bill 981, sponsored by Rep. Brent Powell, would allow the sale of wine in grocery stores in wet counties or municipalities. 

Mississippi is one of a number of states that ban the sale of wine and/ or liquor in grocery stores. In fact, only 20 states allow the sale of beer, wine, and liquor in grocery stores. A handful even ban the sale of beer. 

These laws, like all prohibition laws, don’t stop people from consuming alcohol. They just require you to take an extra, unnecessary step. Coupled with the legalization of selling alcohol on Sunday, wine in grocery stores would bring convenience for many busy Mississippians.

These are anti-competitive policies that create a monopoly for liquor stores, not just limiting convenience, but limiting choice for consumers. 

MCPP has reviewed this legislation and finds that it is aligned with our principles and therefore should be supported. 

Read SB 2531 and HB 981.  

Track the status of this and all bills in our legislative tracker.


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