Time for School Choice in Mississippi

By Aaron Rice
June 26, 2012

Newsweek magazine did a cover series titled, "Why Public Schools Are Flunking." 

Listen to this:  The roll call of problems is almost as familiar as the ABCs.

Academic standards seem to get flimsier by the year.

Costs per pupil are rising at the same time enrollments are falling and budgets shrinking.

Administrators are overwhelmed with paperwork.

Teachers have to contend with drugs and alcohol, apathy and ignorance."

This Newsweek magazine article was published April 20, 1981.

But it could have been written this year! The quality of our schools has not changed in more than 30 years. We cannot continue to trust the current system to meet the needs of all students. We must provide parents with the freedom and ability to place their children in schools that best meet their needs.

It's time for school choice for all children in Mississippi.


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