Time to Rethink Local Government

Since the tax base of many communities along the Coast has been severely impacted or even decimated, it�s an opportune time for public officials to re-evaluate the purpose and priorities of local government. Here are some questions to consider.

Since we can�t do everything we want to do, what are the core functions of government - those things we should do that only we can do? What were we doing before the hurricane that we really were only doing because we had always done it that way? What are some things we were doing that could be handled better and more efficiently by the private sector - private businesses, private non-profit groups, or even by individuals or families?

Our organization, which is independent of the governor�s commission, has created a website to provide ideas for rebuilding. It also contains perspective on some ideas that should not be pursued. We would welcome your comments. Visit www.rebuildingmississippi.org.

We should pursue big ideas, as the Governor has said, and we should do that without pursuing big government.�


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