SB 2053: Prohibit public officials from using taxpayer funds to advertise during an election year

By Mississippi Center for Public Policy
May 28, 2020

Senate Bill 2053, sponsored by Sen. Angela Hill, will prohibit public officials from appearing in publicly funded advertisements during an election year.

Public officials would not be able to use taxpayer funds for advertisements that use their name, voice, or likeness starting on January 1 of an election year. This includes radio, television, internet, newspaper, and billboard advertisements.

Taxpayer funds would also not be allowed to sponsor a convention, conference, or seminar organized by a lobbyist. The legislation does expressly permit the continued use of taxpayer funds for association membership fees and registration and attendance of a convention, conference, or seminar.

MCPP has reviewed this legislation and finds that it is aligned with our principles and therefore should be supported. 

Read the bill here 

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