Governor approves asset forfeiture reform

By Mississippi Center for Public Policy
March 17, 2017

A new law creates transparency and requires warrants to keep seized property.

Under a new law signed by Governor Phil Bryant on Monday, law enforcement agencies will be required to report “descriptions and values of seized property, which police department seized it, and any court petitions challenging the seizures.

The law will also require police to obtain a seizure warrant within 72 hours.” If a warrant is not obtained in certain cases, the property will be given back to its owner. That from a report from which published a critical expose on Mississippi’s asset forfeiture abuses in January.

Lee McGrath of the Institute for Justice(IJ) praised the passage of the bill. IJ had graded Mississippi an “F” on forfeiture transparency earlier this year but now says, “Mississippi is now the third state this year and the 19th state since 2014 to have passed civil forfeiture reform.”


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