Personnel is Policy

By Aaron Rice
January 24, 2008

It is often said in the halls of power that "personnel is policy." Key staff members appointed by our leaders are usually indicative of the philosophy of those leaders.

If that's the case with Governor Barbour and Lt. Governor Phil Bryant, the state is in very good shape. Governor Barbour has named Paul Hurst as his new chief of staff, and Lt. Gov. Bryant has named Joe Nosef as his chief of staff. Mr. Bryant also asked the Senate to approve Kevin Upchurch as Secretary of the Senate, which they did on Tuesday. These three men believe not only in the principles of governing that our nation's Founders believed, but also in the Creator who endowed us with the inalienable rights that government exists to protect.

Of course, these men will not be dictating policy, nor will they have vote on legislation, but I thought you would be encouraged to know that our governor and lieutenant governor have chosen as their chief advisors people who understand and believe in the ideal of limited government.

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