Reeves supports rights of Open Mississippi protestors

By Aaron Rice
April 24, 2020

A protest to open Mississippi is scheduled for Saturday in downtown Jackson, and Gov. Tate Reeves says he supports the right of the protestors, even during the pandemic with much of the state shut down.  

The Open Up Mississippi Freedom Drive will meet in the parking lot of the Mississippi Farmers Market off High Street at 12 p.m. and drive by the Governor’s mansion. 

This is the latest organic freedom protest that has sprung up in response to government shutdowns of most states. Some of these protests have garnered national headlines, such as this tweet from the Raleigh, North Carolina police department: 

When asked about the protestors, Reeves said he would rather people not protest, but he supports their right to do so.

“I would rather people not be protesting, but I support and appreciate their right to do so,” Reeves said. “I think one of the fundamental foundational principles is individuals have the right to protest their government and their leaders. America is not China. Period.

Reeves announced today that he would be partially lifting the state’s stay at home order.

“People are upset and frustrated because of the challenges. We have 150,000 people on unemployment assistance. A large majority who had never been on government benefits. I get it. I understand their concern. 

“I support their right to gather and protest. I hope and pray they protest in a smart way. A drive by protest, honking their horn, is the right approach.”


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